Fiveleaved Ivy "Don Juan" (Virginia Creeper, Woodbine)
Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. emend. Rehder
Ex Tax: 2.35€
Ex Tax: 2.35€
Virginia Creeper "Don Juan" - Parthenocissus quinquefolia.
Elegant and voluminous screens! Ornamental leaves.
A valuable and most popular large climbing liana for vertical gardening, growing up to 15-20 m in height.
Young shoots are reddish, later - dark green. Tendrils with 3-8 branches, ending in oval thickenings. The leaves are compound, palmate, consisting of oblong, pointed at the top leaflets up to 10 cm long. In autumn, they acquire a spectacular crimson or purple colour.
Flowers on thin peduncles, collected in apical umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The fruit is a bluish-black berry with a bluish bloom.
Grows very quickly in any soil, shade-tolerant, tolerates city conditions well. Almost not damaged by insects and fungal diseases. Long-lived.
Easily propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. Seeds are sown in autumn or spring after 2-4 months of stratification.
Used in all types of vertical gardening.
Elegant and voluminous screens! Ornamental leaves.
A valuable and most popular large climbing liana for vertical gardening, growing up to 15-20 m in height.
Young shoots are reddish, later - dark green. Tendrils with 3-8 branches, ending in oval thickenings. The leaves are compound, palmate, consisting of oblong, pointed at the top leaflets up to 10 cm long. In autumn, they acquire a spectacular crimson or purple colour.
Flowers on thin peduncles, collected in apical umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The fruit is a bluish-black berry with a bluish bloom.
Grows very quickly in any soil, shade-tolerant, tolerates city conditions well. Almost not damaged by insects and fungal diseases. Long-lived.
Easily propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. Seeds are sown in autumn or spring after 2-4 months of stratification.
Used in all types of vertical gardening.
Eng.: American Ivy, Five-Leaf-Ivy, Fiveleaved Ivy, Virginia Creeper, Woodbine. Bot. syn.: Amelopsis quinquefolia Michx.